The Town of
Valier, Montana

Mayor's Office
Valier is municipality organized under the general government powers act as a Commission-executive form of government, also known as the mayor-council form. It consists of an elected commission (often referred to as a council) and one elected executive (who may be referred to as the mayor) elected at large. Valier does not have a charter.
Fax: (406) 279-3428
E-mail: valiermayor@townofvalier.com
Address: PO Box 512
Valier, MT 59486
The duties of the mayor are to:
enforce laws, ordinances, and resolutions
perform duties required by law, ordinance, or resolution
administer affairs of the local government
carry out policies established by the council
recommend measures to the council
report to the council on the affairs and financial condition of the local government
execute bonds, notes, contracts and written obligations of the council, subject to the approval of the council
report to the council as the council may require
attend council meetings and may take part in discussions
execute the budget adopted by the council
appoint, with the consent of the council, all members of boards, except the mayor may appoint without the consent of the council temporary advisory committees established by the mayor
Clerk/Treasurer/Deputy Clerk
The Finance Department:
The Town’s Clerk/Treasurer, Stephanie Sullivan is responsible for the administration and coordination of the financial accounting, debt issuance, purchasing, treasury, information services, and public records. The Department’s operations are guided by Federal, State, and local laws. The Department also works with the State Auditor’s Office on compliance and control issues. Additionally, they work closely with the Mayor and are responsible for administering the town’s budget, annual reporting, payroll, accounts payable/receivable, bond administration, insurance, grant administration, banking and investments, records retention, and Town Council document preparations. They also manage the Town of Valier website and perform miscellaneous office duties.
The Deputy Clerk is responsible for reading utility meters, the utility billing, business license processing, and dog licenses, Town Council meeting preparations, and other miscellaneous support functions.
The Deputy Clerk/Treasurer and can be reached between the hours of 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Monday through Friday at the Town Offices, 514 Montana Street.
By Phone: (406) 279-3721
By E-mail: Valiertoo@townofvalier.com
Public Works Department
Public Works has three full time employees who work to help make Valier a safe and healthy place to live. It is the goal of the Public Works Department to sustain a high quality of life through the administration and management of:
water resources use, management, maintenance and testing
sewer collection system/lagoon management, maintenance and testing
project administration
management and maintenance of the roadway systems and traffic control systems
project design review, construction and management
vehicle/equipment maintenance and repair
parks management, maintenance
Lake Frances Rec Area management and maintenance
Josh Clifford, and John Paddock can be reached at 406-279-3361
Snow Plow Policy:
Priority One: Bus Barn and emergency snow routes. These streets provide a network throughout Valier for emergency services operations.
Priority Two: Major Arterials. High volume streets with particular attention to schools and businesses.
Priority Three: Selected Collector Streets. These streets include collector streets necessary to provide access to major arterials.
Non-Priority: Most residential streets and others not mentioned above. After clearing of other priorities, special requests as manpower and equipment are available.​
Please note that Highway 44 and Montana Street north of Teton Avenue are maintained by the State of Montana Highway Department.
If you are aware of a traffic sign that is missing or damaged, please call (406) 279-3361, or email Public Works at publicworks@townofvalier.com. Traffic signs will be replaced during the spring/summer season.
Street maintenance including alley grading, striping, street sweeping and repairs are performed routinely. Potholes will show up on our streets, especially after a rain or during spring thaw. For street maintenance questions or to report a street problem or pothole repair:
Contact (406) 279-3361 during regular business hours.
Town Attorney
The Town of Valier contracts with an Attorney to help ensure that the Town has legal representation for Town Council meetings, actions and development of ordinances, resolutions and special contracts. For more information about the Town attorney, you may contact the Clerk/Treasurer at (406) 279-3721.
Conservation District Representative: